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What Are Estate Taxes?

by | Aug 1, 2024 | 2024, Accounting, Tax Credits and Deductions | 0 comments

The federal government levies an estate tax on the total value of the property owned by a deceased family member. Estate laws are subject to annual fluctuations in interpretation. The good news is that most American taxpayers who do not rank among the wealthiest 2% in the country are exempt from the estate tax.

What is the gross estate?

The gross estate is the first figure used in calculating estate tax, much like the gross income on a personal income tax return.

The fair market value of every item your family member owned or had an interest in at the time of death, including any proceeds from life insurance and annuities, is typically included in the gross estate. The value of any property owned but transferred during the three years prior to the family member’s death may occasionally be included in the gross estate.

What qualifies as a taxable estate?

There are just a few deductions available under the tax code that lower the value of the gross estate. Funeral costs, debt repayments, the value of assets meant for bequest after death, any state death taxes, and the value of assets passing to a surviving spouse are among the items that can be written off.

Are lifetime gifts taxable?

You must add the value of all taxable donations made since 1977 to the amount after the taxable estate has been calculated. If your recently dead family member’s gifts of money or property exceed specific annual limitations, they will be subject to taxes.

What is a unified credit?

You may be eligible for a tax reduction on the final net taxable estate value up to the amount of your outstanding unified credit debt. What does that mean, then? The estate tax is not applied to any lifetime gifts or property transfers made after death that are valued at less than a certain amount because each taxpayer is given a uniform credit amount under the tax regulations. The only amount owed is the tax value on all transfers exceeding the total amount of the unified credit.

The portion of the gross estate that is exempt from estate taxes is not known until the year of death due to the erratic nature of the regulations governing estate taxes.

When do I pay estate tax?

The estate is not required to pay taxes to the IRS until the tax on the net taxable estate surpasses the decedent’s remaining amount on the consolidated credit.


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