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How to File as a Sole Proprietor

How to File as a Sole Proprietor

Are you a sole proprietor and curious about the taxes your company pays? We have everything covered. We’ll dissect the most important insights and filing factors for taxes on sole proprietorships in this article. Continue reading for helpful hints and advice...
What Are Estate Taxes?

What Are Estate Taxes?

The federal government levies an estate tax on the total value of the property owned by a deceased family member. Estate laws are subject to annual fluctuations in interpretation. The good news is that most American taxpayers who do not rank among the wealthiest 2% in...
Head of Household Taxes

Head of Household Taxes

One effective strategy to lower your tax bill is to file your taxes as Head of Household (HOH), particularly if you are a single parent or support dependents. We will go over the requirements, advantages, and filing advice for the HOH status in this Q&A style...
How Can I Protect My Inheritance From Taxes?

How Can I Protect My Inheritance From Taxes?

Do I have to report my inheritance on my tax return? Generally speaking, you are not required to record any inheritance to the IRS. The federal government does not consider inheritances to be taxable income, therefore you usually do not have to report inheritance...
Tax Implications of Owning Rental Property

Tax Implications of Owning Rental Property

One form of revenue that affects your tax return is rental property ownership. In order to help you optimize the tax benefits and develop a plan to reduce or postpone some of your taxes, let’s take a closer look at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax...
Is Canceled Debt Taxable?

Is Canceled Debt Taxable?

It’s great news if a creditor forgives your debt, isn’t it? Such a cancellation of debt typically occurs when the statute of limitations on collecting the debt expires or when the creditor gives up trying to collect the obligation. There is a catch when it...